Twitter for your business
13 Oct
Twitter for Business?
A lot of my friends don’t seem to quite understand why I would be twittering for business purposes and what benefit it could possibly bring.
Why would anyone care about- “What you are doing?”, they ask.
They continue to look at me with blank stares when I tell them we are using it to interact with our customers, generate interest in our product, learn about what’s going on in different areas and build our brand awareness.
Most people don’t understand how a tool like Twitter could help their business grow and rather uses like this come to mind:
Twitter in Real Life
Rather than just broadcasting details about your life, Twitter is a way to connect with other like-minded individuals; people who may be interested in your products or services or even find out what your competitors are up to.
All that in 140 characters you ask?
Sure it may sound like a daunting task but there are techniques that you can use that will make it easier, which I’ve discussed here.
For example, if you are running a Yoga studio, you could provide tips on yoga poses, health tips and mantras, interspersed with information/promotions you are running at your studio. If you have blog, you could provide more details about what you are tweeting in your posts; Twitter would then be another way to drive traffic to your blog/site.
Have you thought about using Twitter for your business? What are the challenges you’ve faced?
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