Three ways to monitor your brand

26 Jul

Once you’ve set up the various social media you want to work with, you will want to be able to find out when people are talking about your brand.

Here’s a list of the tools that I like to use and have setup to send me alerts when the various brands I work with are mentioned:

Tweetbeep: Monitor how your brand is being discussed in the twittersphere. You can set up alerts to be notified every time your product, brand or you are being mentioned. I have set Tweetbeep to give me daily updates on my brand, as well as those of my competitors!

SocialMention: performs real time searches of the ‘universe’ for any mention of your brand/keywords/competitors, in blogs, news, microblogs, forums etc and provides a rating for the returned search. Alerts can also be setup to return results on a daily basis.

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. I use Google Alerts to provide me industry news and a way to keep up to date on subject matter that I am interested or related to my industry/business/brand.

I find setting up these alerts saves countless time and energy by bringing the information to me in a timely, convenient manner. It was also surprising to see how many sites I may have overlooked or were under the radar but meaningful discussion about my brand were happening and allowed me to join in on the conversation or monitor what was being said.


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  1. Revealed: Why Twitter is changing customer support « Social Media Success - August 18, 2009

    […] About ← Three ways to monitor your brand […]

  2. Five ways to find Tweeple to follow « Bite-Sized Social Media - October 25, 2009

    […] WeFollow is Twitter directory where you can list yourself as well as search other users to follow. So for example, if I wanted to list myself so other people interested in social media would find me I could enter the following tags: #socialmedia #entrepreneur #networking, for example. You can also list yourself under multiple hashtags and also browse followers by city. Listing oneself here also helps being found as many users set up alerts on certain hashtags and are notified when certain keywords are used. […]

  3. More on Social Media ROISandy K Sidhu | Sandy K Sidhu - July 15, 2010

    […] and a company that specializes in making Kombucha started following me (this is done easily with alerts)  They didn’t interact with me and say “Hey, Sandy! Come buy our Kombucha”. They […]

  4. Turn a negative into a positive | Navigating the Social Web - April 12, 2011

    […] listening and keeping tabs of what is being said about your company and industry.  There are many tools that exist that allow you to set-up alerts and receive notifications when your brand/name is […]