Archive by Author

Social Overdose: On checking in and (possibly) checking out

18 Aug

Social Overdose: On checking in and (possibly) checking out

So I jumped on the wagon and joined Foursquare (not to be confused with the highly popular kids game) about 3 1/2 months ago at the suggestion of a Twitter acquaintance (not quite a friend but not a stranger either- but we can save that for another post). I slowly began to ‘Check-In’ to the […]

4 ways to improve your B2B blog

17 Aug

As part of my job I read a lot of blogs and follow those of competitors quite closely. Since launching a B2B corporate blog last year, it has become quite apparent to me how many companies dove in to the blogosphere with enthusiasm and have slowly fizzled out.  Initially, these companies were posting with reckless abandon but […]

"Man"dates and the quest for a BFF: using the web to make local friends

10 Aug

Women make it sound like men have it easy when it comes to making friends; that they can just turn to the guy next to them in a bar and easily strike up a conversation. However, I’m sure that’s not always the case and that there was more than one guy who watched “I Love […]

My cat has a webpage

3 Aug

When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the World Wide Web… Now even my cat has its own web page.” -President Bill Clinton His cat’s probably on Twitter now. I think we can stretch that statement a little further to say that *everyone* (in the business world) […]

Social Media: Being present gets you noticed

15 Jul

A lesson from a drink called Kombucha I love summer. After months of cold, Montreal just comes alive.  Summer and winter are like night and day.  The parks are filled with people, the city is bustling, everyone seems to be smiling a whole lot more and there are festivals galore. Part of my summer routine […]

Social Media Shortcuts: There are none

14 Jul

…there are no shortcuts. Well, maybe. Weight loss. Social media results. What do those two have in common? A lot. Want to lose weight? To get results it takes time, patience and a strategy. There are no real shortcuts and the ones that we often see are too good to be true. Surprise, surprise. The […]

Promoting in the dark: How to find your local market

7 Jul

It’s hot and sticky in Montreal. But it’s July and expected. We live in a city of extreme weather (and consequently fashion) but I wouldn’t trade it for a thing! I was walking a long St-Catherine street around noon today with a friend, when a women walked past us and quickly handed us some cards. […]

Lessons learned as a Community Manager that a job description will not tell you

21 Jun

There are things a job description will tell you about a job and things you will learn, the hard way, while doing the job. I never really read a job description about being a Community Manager, I sort of just became one and only after reading a description did it click that ‘Hey! I do […]

Tweet, Connect, Follow, Engage, Write!

12 Jun

On Finding Balance before Digital Burnout Everyone wants to “Crush It” these days, or maybe it’s just the people that I hang out with that are looking for more and to do more. In case you’re not familiar with the term “Crush It”, check out one of my earlier posts: Do what you love, No […]

A visual view of my Webcom-Montreal Tweets

28 May

I found this neat site called Wordle and tried it out on my tweets from Webcom Montreal: I couldn’t decide which one I liked better so here are three of my favorites (click on the image to see a larger view) Or this: Warning! The ‘Randomize’ button is highly addictive!