Archive by Author

Sunday Thoughts: Go with your heart

5 Sep

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~Confucius

Digital Curfew Day 6 & 7: Yes, I can!

5 Sep

Maybe it’s cause it’s the weekend or maybe I really am kicking this habit but I must say the last two days have been a breeze! I have easily not been on the computer at night and in the morning I have not checked at all. I find that at night the key is to […]

Digitial Curfew Day 5: I am kickin' it

3 Sep

Woohoo! I can honestly say today I was able to easily resist the urge to surf/check emails etc in the morning on my phone. I chose to sleep longer. Last night, however, I went over by 25 minutes but I had some stuff to finish (really!). Desire to check: Low Battle: None Maybe it was […]

Digital Curfew Day 4: Habits are hard to break!

2 Sep

Last night I went over my Digital Curfew by 30 minutes. For those just stopping by, I’m trying to curb my ‘addiction’ and get some of my time back that I spend on the ‘net. I totally caved in the morning, again! But what I have noticed is that it is becoming less of an […]

Digital Curfew Day 3: I'm getting better at this!

1 Sep

Okay, so today was Day 3 of my Digital Curfew. I am very good about the night part but am horrible about the mornings. Today, I fought the battle and the phone won. But it’s progress, right? At least there was a battle, unlike yesterday where I completely forgot!! 21 Days! Let’s not forget!

Digital Curfew Day 2: I can do this!

31 Aug

Today is Day 2 of my Digitial Curfew and I have to admit that I FAILED again! I’m doing great at night (only because I’m deliriously tired after all this packing/unpacking) but the morning is proving to be challenging. The alarm went off, I reached over, snoozed it and then without fail I checked my […]

Held Hostage by your Service Provider: You can't win with the 'can't' model

30 Aug

I recently got off the phone with my favorite (insert sarcasm) local telephone service provider. Since I was moving to a new apartment I had called ahead to do a transfer of service and was reassured repeatedly that my service would be activated at my new apartment on the day of my move. I got […]

Digital Curfew Day 1: Started off right but…

30 Aug

I failed this morning! Alarm went off and guess what..I leaned over to snooze it but instead of putting down my phone I checked my email! EEK! The evening part was ok but I attribute that in part to not having my internet connected (just moved to a new place and it hasn’t been set […]

Disconnect to reconnect: My 21 day Digital Cleanse (part 1)

27 Aug

“Always connected. Always on.” This has become a new mantra for the digital-age. We have to respond to emails in near real-time, want to respond to Facebook messages and Twitter mentions and stay on top of latest trends by reading every blog out there. But do you find yourself having trouble keeping up? The alarm […]

Social Buying: The modern day coupon is here

25 Aug

It’s time to put down that grocery store circular, the modern day coupon has arrived! I read this article on Mashable yesterday about Groupon‘s biggest one-day deal to date, which was a Gap deal where you get $50 of clothes for $25. For those of you that are not familiar with ‘group buying’ it basically […]