Archive by Author

The 26 Book Challenge!

30 Jan

What is the 26 book challenge? I first came across it in a post by Julien Smith where he talked about challenging himself to read a book a week for a year and broke down how simple it is to achieve this goal. Now as great and easy as it sounds, not everyone can commit […]

Review: Create Social Content with Storify

28 Jan

A few months back I signed up for a beta on the site Storify and just got my invite yesterday. When I first came across the site I thought it looked really neat since it allows you to incorporate content from different sources such as Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Flickr and RSS feeds to create […]

The blog dilemma: What am I supposed to create content about?

24 Jan

What do I blog about? This is something that I hear often: business-owners understand that they should be blogging/creating content but when it comes down to ‘What to create?’, they are often perplexed. They will tell me, “I’m in personal finance, I don’t know anything about blogging/writing content!”. In a previous post, I discussed three […]

Thought of the Week

17 Jan

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. ~Dale Carnegie What’s stopping you today? Go. Do. It. Now!

Content Rules: Book Review

16 Jan

I picked up ‘Content Rules’ by C.C Chapman and Ann Handley last week and couldn’t put it down!  They give you solid advice on how to get started with creating online content that is relevant to your customers and every page is filled with ideas that you can act on. In some ways, I wish […]

C is for Content

12 Jan

and content is for me! This year make content at the core of your online/social media marketing strategy. 3 reasons why you should be creating content in 2011 1- Content helps people find you. What does that mean? Sure, you already have a website but chances are it is static and you don’t update it […]

Thought of the Week:

10 Jan

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action. ~Napolean Hill

Facebook: It is a small world after all

5 Jan

The scene: There I was, a dusty, traffic-filled street, 10 000 kilometers from home,  in Ludhiana, Punjab, a  state in Northern India. I was shopping in a bazaar, taking in the sights, sounds and smells and dodging everything from stray dogs, rick-shaws and pretty much every mode of transportation you could imagine. Locals were eying […]

This is your life: The Holstee Manifesto

9 Dec

Making its rounds on the Internet is The Holstee Manifesto, which I loved and wanted to share with you. The Holstee Manifesto In case you’ve already seen it, you can never hear too much of a good thing!!

Business Tips a Seven-Year Old can Teach You

7 Dec

Background: My sister and brother-in-law are both entrepreneurs, having started their own yoga studio and online finance course, respectively. My nephew has spent a lot of time with us around the dinner table as we discuss each others business ideas, brainstorm and  figure out the best way to go about executing. He will pop-in every […]