Archive by Author

Should you outsource Community Management?

22 Jun

I don’t think there is a simple Yes or No answer to this question. I see the Community Management role as a sub-set of the Product Management and Marketing role in a company. Meaning, the Product Manager is the one the drives the road-map and makes decisions about what features will be in the product […]

Growing your Community Authentically

15 Jun

The quest for new likes/followers/fans/groupies seems never ending. I see it everyday and am asked often, “How do I get more followers”   Show up. Participate. Interact. Provide value. Basically, you have to ‘do the work’. But you have to also decide why you are doing it. and then there’s the : “I need 1000 fans […]

Taking the First Step

8 Jun

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. But what if it is the first step that is the hardest? The first step to beginning a whole new adventure? A new job? A new project? I experienced this type of resistance recently. And by resistance, I mean à la lizard brain/Seth […]

The Art of Patience

2 Jun

We hear about the Art of Marketing and the Art of Sales but what about the Art of Patience? You know the part where you have to patiently wait for a response from a customer or prospect? You know the days in between hitting send in Outlook/Gmail and refreshing your inbox (even though most services […]

Customer Service: Going the Extra Mile

25 May

One of my friends recently had a bad food experience at a downtown Montreal cafe. Since she’s a regular at this cafe and has food allergies she wasn’t going to dismiss it. She contacted them through their ‘Contact us’ page on their website and the owner responded expressing his dismay and concern over her negative […]

From Around the Web: Georgia Edition

19 May

This post is way overdue but I suppose that is what happens when you spend a few days off gallivanting at a Girls Getaway. I’ll have more details about my recent trip to Atlanta, Georgia as part of the Ladies Who Launch Girls Getaway but in the meantime I bring you some posts from around […]

When Inspiration Hits..

11 May

Let’s face it, writing and maintaining a blog on a regular basis is not easy. And it takes time. Not to mention, where do all the ideas come from? With all the other tasks you have related to running your business, blogging can often take a backseat. Personally, I find my best thinking and ideas […]

From Around the Web #2- Sunshine edition

6 May


Foursquare: Not just for kids!

4 May

This post was inspired by a recent presentation I did where I learned that many small businesses owners are not familiar with geo-location social networking tools , such as Foursquare, and how as a small business owner you can benefit. How Geo-location works Smartphones use GPS to be ‘location aware’ and let you discover places […]

From Around the Web

29 Apr

A selection of posts that I came across from around the web this week that I wanted to share with you. Let me know what you think in the comments below and any interesting articles you came across. Social Media Don’t believe the hype from the ‘social media snake-oil salesmen’. Here are SEVEN ways your […]