Archive by Author

3 Ways to not use Twitter

1 Sep

1- Blatantly Self-Promote: Nobody likes a self-promoter. Twitter and social media in general is about building relationships first : engaging with the people who are interested in your brand, subject matter and business, second. 2- Be fake. Be genuine. Most of the people you interact with online with you might not actually meet, therefore in […]

Revealed: Why Twitter is changing customer support

18 Aug

I had a real life twitter experience at work today. We’ve been implementing the strategy discussed in this blog over the last few months and we are starting to see the positive and ‘negative’ sides. Positive? We have set up alerts as discussed in the post Three Ways to Monitor Your Brand and we are […]

Three ways to monitor your brand

26 Jul

Once you’ve set up the various social media you want to work with, you will want to be able to find out when people are talking about your brand. Here’s a list of the tools that I like to use and have setup to send me alerts when the various brands I work with are […]

Bite Sized Social Media Tip: Aggregators

14 Jul

Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Digg, Dugg?? It can be quite intimidating! For the newbie and even the seasoned social media maven, it can be quite overwhelming to try to create and use all these accounts on a daily basis. Not to mention remember all those passwords Why not just stick to Twitter or Facebook? […]

I have a website! Why do I need a blog?

9 Jul

Most businesses these days have an online presence, in fact one could argue that if you can’t be found online it’s like you don’t exist! Having a web presence is essential whether you are a local or global business. So I have a website..why do I need a blog then? You can think of your […]

Twitter Challenge: Tweet in 120 characters or less

2 Jul

Today’s Twitter Tip: Tweet in 120 characters or less You’re probably thinking: We’re only allowed 140 and even that’s not enough!! Tweeting in less characters allows for others to comment on your content and retweet it. We’ll get into the ‘art and science’ of retweeting in another post but in the mean time I want […]

Twitter Tip: Personalize Your Profile

2 Jul

Before you read this post you have a little homework: Setting Up Your Twitter Account! Simply go to Twitter and follow the steps. Ready? Now comes the part of personalizing your profile. This is done through the Settings tab in Twitter. Add your picture. People will respond better to a human face behind your tweets. […]

Twitter: How Not To Win Friends and Influence People

5 Jun

So you’ve got yourself a Twitter account and you find yourself following people left and right and excited when someone follows you back. Ok, let’s step back for a second for those new to Twitter and just go over some of the lingo. To “follow” is to add someone so that you can see what […]

To Tweet or Not To Tweet…That is the Question.

3 Jun

With all the buzz these days surrounding social media marketing it is hard to resist not joining in fear of being left behind and missing out on great marketing opportunities. However, it’ is worth mentioning that while social networking sites may be free to join there is still an investment of time, therefore it’s important […]

Everyone's a-Twitter? But me!

2 Jun

Ever feel like you can’t keep up with technology? That when you finally joined Friendster   it was no longer the IT thing since all your friends had moved on to Facebook. You then joined Facebook and thought: “Now what? Do I really care what John Smith-my friend from 15 years ago is doing on […]