Archive by Author

3 Tips for better Social Media Management

2 Apr

You’ve joined Twitter, Facebook, have a blog and a business to run. What you are short on-time! There is no magic solution that will allow you to do all things at once, so what can you do? 1. Have a strategy What is your goal of having a Twitter/Facebook page & blog? Do you want […]

Are Canadian businesses using online marketing enough?

20 Mar

Earlier this month, Montreal-born chief financial officer of Google, paid a visit to the Montreal Google offices. He made some interesting observations of the use of the Internet by Canadian businesses:’s Canadian businesses that seem to be snowed by the Internet. He said marketers here have been far slower to move into online advertising […]

Intrusive Marketing: How to push your "customers" away

23 Feb

Today I had an experience that left me momentarily speechless and those that know me know how rare that is! I spend a lot of time online researching products from different vendors as well as keeping abreast of what is happening in the industry. Whether it be sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn discussions- I find […]

Building your online presence: What's in a name?

15 Feb

The other day I was helping Nina of Yoga & Tea Studio get started with her online marketing strategy and a discussion about branding ensued. We started brainstorming possible Twitter and blog domain names and got into a discussion about branding yourself vs using your business name. What name should you use? Branding yourself offers […]

Twitter: Who cares, right? Wrong!

3 Feb

Alright, so let’s get this out in the open. You’ve heard about it, you’ve even signed up and started following some people, maybe some of your friends. But let’s face it, you don’t really care that they missed the bus, ate a turkey sandwich for lunch or had to take their car into the garage […]

Social Media & ROI

6 Dec

I’ve been reading a lot lately about people questioning or waiting to see what the “ROI on Social Media is” and if it can actually help a company’s ‘bottom-line’ before they go ahead and start using and investing time in it. Let me ask you this- Can you measure the return-on-investment on a relationship? Times […]

3 ways to use Hashtags!

30 Oct

So what’s the deal with these funky messages and # in all of them? Yes, those new to Twitter can find it a bit daunting and almost feel like they are looking at code when coming across tweets like this: @sands: looking forward to @garyvee at indigo tonight #montreal #crushit 1-Hashtags allow people to find […]

Five ways to find Tweeple to follow

25 Oct

So you’ve taken the plunge and created a Twitter account and you’re thinking, “Ok, now what? How do I get other people to know I’m here and how do I find interesting/relevant people to follow?” You could start by doing an address book import to see if any of your contacts (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL) are […]

Twitter for your business

13 Oct

Twitter for Business? A lot of my friends don’t seem to quite understand why I would be twittering for business purposes and what benefit it could possibly bring. Why would anyone care about- “What you are doing?”, they ask. They continue to look at me with blank stares when I tell them we are using […]

How to measure social media success

22 Sep

So there is A LOT of talk about social media these days. In fact, the other day even my parents asked me what the deal with Twitter was and my mom is a housewife who hasn’t yet embraced email *but* will pay her bills online. Go figure! More and more statistics are showing that a […]