My cat has a webpage

3 Aug

When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the World Wide Web…
Now even my cat has its own web page.”

-President Bill Clinton

His cat’s probably on Twitter now.

I think we can stretch that statement a little further to say that *everyone* (in the business world) is on Facebook now or has joined Twitter.

But just because you’ve created a Facebook page for your business or joined Twitter does not mean you are doing social media and can check it off the list and move on to other things.

Seriously, how many of you have become fans of/liked pages only to be continuously be bombarded with updates about that particular business or various promotions they are offering. I’m sorry I just don’t care that you have another great piece of sushi on your menu-I don’t eat sushi everyday!

A lot of businesses are using social media like they are other forms of media, to ‘yell’ and broadcast what they are doing.

But we don’t care.

It’s not about you.

As a business/entrepreneur, you have to give something back. Teach us something. Tell us something. Enlighten us. Make us laugh. We’re more likely to share interesting content that you produce than your latest sushi offering.

And that’s the part that takes work. Joining Twitter or creating a Facebook page takes minutes and that’s why a lot of businesses/owners think they can just easily do social media. However, it’s not long before that page or account starts to collect dust and you can hear the crickets chirping. The accounts are created, there is some initial enthusiasm but then the ‘now what?’ starts getting asked and of course frustration settles in because nothing is ‘happening’.

You need to think of your content strategy and what you will share with your readers and target audience. Once you start creating content that helps your readers and engages them, they will come back to you and think of you when they need your service.

Until then you’re just like every other cat out there 😉

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